Got Team Toxins? We’ll Show You How to Cleanse Them!

Are unhealthy teams impacting delivery of your products? Are you tired of dealing with emotional “noise,” putting out fires rather than building great solutions? As a team member at any level of the organization, you rely on your teams for success, and team success is directly related to team health. Did you know that scientists […]

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Overcoming Fear and Anger with Zombie Games and Improv

Many people describe resistance as the hardest part of an agile transformation. Whether its teaching agile topics or just hallway conversations people struggle with “resistance”. But resistance can often be boiled down to two aspects: fear and anger. In this session we’ll explore how these emotions are formed in the brain, and explore techniques like […]

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Deliberately Creating High Performing Teams

Why is it that some teams are more productive, resilient or just have more fun than other teams. Why do some companies seem to meet with success after success while other companies struggle just to stay solvent. Why are some workplaces sought out by potential employees and others suffer from constant turn over? One of […]

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Multi-tasking is like an ‘F’ bomb – STOP IT. The ‘M’ word is a bad word!

Allegory of Rush Hour – traffic jam – How to realize business value sooner – i.e. get the car to its final destination quickly – Hands on Exercises showing that in reality we context switch – we cannot multi-task – Facilitated discussion – controlling the flow of work is possible and employees get more done […]

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